All of the games on this page are available for both Android and Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad),
and they're designed to work well on both phones and tablets.
The Android apps can be downloaded from either the Google Play store or the Amazon Appstore
(they're the same apps, same prices, your choice). The games come in multiple versions.
Each version is generally identical except for the puzzles included (and the price, of course). The puzzles in each
version are unique and different in each version. Above each game is the number of puzzles in each version
as two numbers separated by a '/'. The first number is how many puzzles are in each puzzle size or type, and the
second number is the total number of puzzles in that version. Also shown are the prices (in U.S. dollars) of each version.
Sherlock: FREE=10/30 PRO=200/600 ($0.99) ULTRA=2,500/7,500 ($3.99) ZEN=50,000/150,000 ($5.99)
Honeycomb Hotel: FREE=12/36 PRO=200/600 ($0.99) ULTRA=4000/12000 ($3.99)
Willa's Walk: FREE=2/40 PRO=30/600 ($0.99) ULTRA=375/7500 ($3.99) ZEN=750/15000 ($5.99)
Solitile: FREE=5/160 PRO=100/3,200 ($0.99) ULTRA=1,000/32,000 ($3.99) ZEN=10,000/320,000 ($5.99)
NOTE: The Free, Pro, and Ultra versions of Solitile for iOS are not available (N.A.), because Apple demanded all of the Solitile apps be combined into a single app, but they don't provide any means to 'merge' apps. Apparently, they don't care about their customers. Contact me if you wish further information.